Snowy Rocks Texture
They are brown rocks covered by fresh snow. Some snow has melted leaving damp mark on the snowy ground.

With the sbsar file, rock size, snow level and fresh and melted snow amount can be controlled.
Brick Wall of Medieval Forts
It is a brick wall texture which can be used for texturing medieval forts. Of course, it is suitable for modern architecture. There are smaller pebbles between large bricks.
Mossy Rock Texture
It is a rock having a lot of moss and lichen on the surface. If you are going to create a natural environment, this material is fit for texturing large rocks, ground and cliff.
Sandy Stone Floor Texture
It is a floor covered with irregular stones and a thin layer of sand is covering the rocks. It is a good material for both modern street view or medieval scenes.
Ice Cream Texture
It is an ice-cream texture, especially when it is scooped by an ice cream scoop. Then the ice-cream ball will have a lot of cracks.
Steak Doneness Texture
This texture is a medium done beef having hot pink center and slightly firmer texture.

With the sbsar, the doneness can be controlled, so you can create rare, medium rare, medium, medium rare and well done meat.

This is the inner part of beef. If you want the grilled outside part, no problem, the same sbsar will do.

To quickly get the medium done beef, I would suggest using the presets.

=== Presets ===

Default: barbecued steak with grill marks

Side: sides of grilled steak

Inside: The inner part of the steak. Doneness can be controlled.

Grilled Steak Texture with Grill Marks
It is a grilled steak on which there are some charred part. It is sprinkled with a lot of black pepper and parsley.

More importantly, the steak has a nice crossed grill marks.

With the sbsar file, you can disable either direction of the grill marks. Besides, all the seasoning can be adjusted.
Fossil Rock Texture
It is a rocky and sandy ground where a lot of fossils were found. Among the fossils, some are popping up after the mud has been cleaned. They are waiting to be removed. Whereas the removed fossils left fossil holes on the muddy ground.
Wood Planks with Nails
They are wood planks with nails on both ends. Rust can be found on the nails. The wood planks has a lot of worn areas due to weathering. Knots also appear on the planks.
Chocolate with Nuts Texture
It is a chocolate texture scattered with a lot of nuts. It is a marvelous material for chocolate, Popsicles, ice lollies or ice-cream.
Roasted Coffee Bean Texture
It is a texture completely covered by coffee beans.
Bamboo Fence Texture
This fencing wall is made of bamboos. The color variation and micro surface is clearly shown. If you want it to be more green, you can adjust the hue.
Woven Basket / Rattan Basket / Wicker
It is a woven basket or simply a wicker. With this texture, a plain box can instantly be turned into a woven basket. Cracks and texture of bamboo or pliable plants can be seen.
Stylized Fur and Hair Texture
It is a fur or hair texture. To be precise, it is more like a stylized material. It is good for making carpets or fur coats. Of course, it is an excellent texture as a stylized animal fur.
Sand and Beach
It is a sandy ground which is good for texturing beach and desert. Due to the wind effect, waves appear.
Tree Bark Texture
It is a tree bark texture. The bark's texture is prominent. It has cracks and bumpy surface. Moss can be found on the bark too.
Painted Wood Planks
They are wood planks painted in red, but some paint is peeling off due to weathering. Besides, there are wear and broken parts.

It is a fabulous material for creating old doors, fences and even houses.
Ground Covered by Fallen Autumn Leaves
This is a ground in a woods that is covered by plentiful fallen autumn leaves. The leaf colors consists of green, yellow and red. Twigs can also be found on the soil.
Wood Planks with Nails
They are wood planks with nails. By close examination, there are rust on some nails. The edges of the planks have worn. and a lot of dirt and dust rests on the wood.

Near grouts, mosses may also be found.
Muddy Ground with Footsteps in Sludge
This is mostly a muddy ground having some footsteps on the squelchy sludge. A few heavier footsteps squish the mud deeper. It creates puddles everywhere.