Typical Orange or Brown Leather Texture with Impressions
This texture has classical leather patterns which are tiny flakes with various colors ranging from red, orange to brown.

Besides gaps between flakes, there are also a few big impressions.

Dirt appears on the texture too.
Asphalt or Concrete Texture with Cracks and Pitting
This concrete texture has cracks, pitting, flakes and scratches on the surface.

This texture is suitable for walls and pavements.
Natural Wood Texture with Parallel Barks
All barks are running in parallel along the surface. These parallel barks give the uniqueness of this wood texture.

A few deep and big barks randomly appear on the tree skin. If SBSAR file is used, the depth of these big barks can be adjusted.

Similar texture can be found in wooden doors etc.
Mossy Gray Brick Texture
Those gray bricks have a lot of mosses on the surface. If they are enlarged, lichens can also be found.

This texture is rather bumpy and coarse.

It can act as both a wall material and a floor material.
Broken Red Brick Texture with Cracks
They are typical red bricks. Some bricks are broken while some have cracks. They have rough surface.

Cement is found on some bricks too.
Damaged Red Brick Texture with Cracks
They are red bricks with cracks, pits and pores on the surface. Some of the bricks have been etched due to weathering.

Worn out marks can easily be seen.
Brown and Reddish Leather Texture
It is a brown and reddish leather with prominent flakes as the texture. Wrinkles and scratches also appear on this leather texture.

This material can be applied to clothes, skirts, sofa, old book covers etc.
Classical Rooftop Tile Texture
Among all rooftop tiles, this one must be the most typical. In both eastern and western countries, people also use this tiles for roofing.

Some tiles are broken and dirt can be found on them.
Fish Scale Roof Tile Texture
The classical fish scale roof tiles make up this weary rooftop texture. It is a worn-out rooftop with a lot of dirt, scratches and mosses.

The surface is rather bumpy and holey due to aging.
Broken Glass Texture with Cracks
It is a broken glass with a lot of cracks running from the center. This kind of glass breaking pattern can be made by a sharp hit such as a bullet shot.

There are both circular cracks and radical cracks spreading out from the central point of fracture.

Since it is a transparent texture, an alpha map is also available.
Dry Soil Texture with Cracks
Undoubtedly, this is a dry out land leaving numberless cracks on the surface.

It also looks like a soil texture.

Walls of some ancient houses were made of mud. After being dry, the texture of those walls look similar to this texture too.
Asphalt Ground Texture with Cracks
It is an asphalt texture with cracks all over the surface. Definitely, it is a marvelous material for ground or flooring. It is also great for texturing a wall.
Rough Concrete Texture with Cracks and Pits
It is a very rough concrete with a lot of tiny pits or pores.

White spots can be found on the surface.

Besides, big cracks are everywhere.
Damaged Green Plaster Wall Texture
It is a green plaster wall. It has a little glossiness. Definitely, it is not a new wall, but a worn out wall.

Some of the shiny green paint was peeled off exposing the base wall material.
Plaster Concrete Wall Texture with Cracks
After applying this texture to a wall, it looks like a thick plaster wall. The grey color gives it a raw appearance.

It is a worn out material with some cracks running across the whole texture. There are a lot of trowel marks leaving on the texture.
Concrete Texture with Cracks and Mold
This concrete has a bit shiny texture. A few big cracks are running on the concrete. Greenish mold also grows on the surface.

It looks natural when being used as concrete wall or floor texture of damaged buildings and roads.