Tree Roots on Muddy Ground
Tree roots stretching across muddy ground with rocks
Sand Dunes
This is a sandy ground with a lot of dunes.

If you are texturing a desert, it is the go-to material.
Medieval Stone Wall Texture
The stone wall is made of large rocks of various shapes and colours.

It is an excellent candidate for medieval structures, especially forts. It can also be used to build garden structures.
Cracked Earth in Field During Drought
A cracked earth in field during drought. Large and small cracks appear everywhere. Edges of each separated crust slight curl up.
Football / Soccer Grass Field with Alternating Bands
It is a football or soccer pitch with alternating bands, a typical pattern of a grass field.

The amount of bands, contrast of bands, grass colour, autumn effect, grass amount, grass length etc. can be managed by the Substance SBSAR file.
Decal: Asphalt Puddle Map
It is an asphalt ground which is full of puddles. You may extract related PBR maps as decals and combined with your existing ones to create puddles for your models.

The colors of the puddles and ground, and the roughness of the puddles and ground can be changed by the Substance SBSAR file.
Asphalt Road Texture with Yellow Line Road Markings
It is an asphalt or bitumen road with yellow lines as road markings. The markings have a bit wear. Cracks can also be found on this highway.

The SBSAR file let users to change the types of road markings (solid, dashed or mixed), number of yellow lines, frequency of dashes, asphalt brightness, amount and size of cracks, color and size of line etc.
Stylized Meadow Grass Texture
It is meadow full of yellow flowers. The long grass is oriented along the wind direction. Besides, end tips of some grass becomes yellowish.

The grass size, randomness of wind direction, grass and flower colors, flower amount can be changed by using the SBSAR file.
Frozen Icy Surface of Lake or Pond with Cracks and Frost
It is the water surface of a frozen lake or pond. The thin ice is shattered into pieces leaving numerous cracks. Frost and broken ice can also be found on the material.

The SBSAR file allows users to adjust the amount of cracks, frost etc.
Cobblestone Texture with Fallen Leaves
It is a cobblestone ground which is covered by a lot of rounded stones. Fallen leaves having different colors are scattered over the whole pavement. Besides, cracks and dirt also exist on the rocks.

The SBSAR file gives users the flexibility to change the cobblestone amount, grout width, amount of leaves, amount of cracks and dirt level.
Sandy Trail Texture with Rocks, Pebbles and Plants
It is a trail of country park. The path is full of sand and mud. It is also covered by rocks, pebbles and plants.

With the SBSAR file, the amount of rocks, pebbles and plants can be changed.
Asphalt Texture Covered by Bitumen
The base is an asphalt road which is covered with bitumen of various colours.

Due to weathering, cracks can be found on the surface. The SBSAR file allows the amount and depth of the cracks to be adjusted.
Raw Concrete Texture
It is the base concrete texture. It is primitive and raw having large and small pores on the surface.

It is suitable for building plain walls, especially those in industrial style. The SBSAR file allows the hole sizes and depths to be adjusted.
Muddy Ground Texture with Puddles
It is a muddy ground covered by web mud , pebbles and puddles.

The SBSAR file offers the feasibility of adjusting the water level, wetness, colour of puddles.
Water Lily Leaves Texture
They are leaves of water lilies on a pond. Waves and ripples can be found on the water surface due to wind.

With the sbsar, the degree of leaf damage and intensity of waves can be set.
Pond Side Grassy and Muddy Land
It is a ground near a pond, so water lily leaves can be found. They are together mixed with fresh grass, dry grass, clover and pebbles. The base is brown muddy soil.

With the sbsar file, the amount of the above items can be adjusted.
Snowy Rocks Texture
They are brown rocks covered by fresh snow. Some snow has melted leaving damp mark on the snowy ground.

With the sbsar file, rock size, snow level and fresh and melted snow amount can be controlled.
Icy Rock Texture
It is a ice texture. It can also be treated as frozen substances in the nature. On the ice, there are a lot of cracks. Though it is an icy texture, it mixes with some snow.
Melting Snowy Ground with Cracked Ice
It is a snowy ground which is melting. Frozen ice can be found in between snow. By close examination, icy cracks can be observed.

With the sbsar file, the balance between snow and ice can be adjusted.
Sandy Stone Floor Texture
It is a floor covered with irregular stones and a thin layer of sand is covering the rocks. It is a good material for both modern street view or medieval scenes.