Tree Roots on Muddy Ground
Tree roots stretching across muddy ground with rocks
Muddy Carrot Skin Texture
It is the skin of a carrot, but with mud. Cuts and specks can be found on the surface.

To get a more satisfied result, you may use the subsurface scattering texture.
Cobblestone Texture with Fallen Leaves
It is a cobblestone ground which is covered by a lot of rounded stones. Fallen leaves having different colors are scattered over the whole pavement. Besides, cracks and dirt also exist on the rocks.

The SBSAR file gives users the flexibility to change the cobblestone amount, grout width, amount of leaves, amount of cracks and dirt level.
Sandy Trail Texture with Rocks, Pebbles and Plants
It is a trail of country park. The path is full of sand and mud. It is also covered by rocks, pebbles and plants.

With the SBSAR file, the amount of rocks, pebbles and plants can be changed.
Muddy Ground Texture with Puddles
It is a muddy ground covered by web mud , pebbles and puddles.

The SBSAR file offers the feasibility of adjusting the water level, wetness, colour of puddles.
Pond Side Grassy and Muddy Land
It is a ground near a pond, so water lily leaves can be found. They are together mixed with fresh grass, dry grass, clover and pebbles. The base is brown muddy soil.

With the sbsar file, the amount of the above items can be adjusted.
Sandy Stone Floor Texture
It is a floor covered with irregular stones and a thin layer of sand is covering the rocks. It is a good material for both modern street view or medieval scenes.
Muddy Ground with Footsteps in Sludge
This is mostly a muddy ground having some footsteps on the squelchy sludge. A few heavier footsteps squish the mud deeper. It creates puddles everywhere.
Muddy Swamp with Fallen Leaves
This is a muddy swamp and fallen leaves are everywhere. There are a lot of tiny pebbles in the mud. Puddles also appear on this wet and sticky earth.
Swampy and Muddy Wetland Texture
It is a high wet ground which is very muddy and marshy. There are pebbles and stones scattered among the whole land, but they are covered by clay.

On this bumpy soft ground, there are also a few puddles.
Wet Muddy Ground Texture with Fallen Leaves
It is a wet and muddy ground of a forest. Large, medium and small rocks or stones can be found everywhere. Tiny fallen leaves cover almost the whole slimy ground.
Dry Soil Texture with Cracks
Undoubtedly, this is a dry out land leaving numberless cracks on the surface.

It also looks like a soil texture.

Walls of some ancient houses were made of mud. After being dry, the texture of those walls look similar to this texture too.
Wet Muddy Ground Texture with Rocks and Stones
This lumpy texture has an irregular surface which has numerous pebbles.

The damp and marshy texture grants it the appearance of a swampy ground.